Camp Living Stones Englewood TN

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Nestled in the scenic foothills of the Appalachian Mountains near Englewood, Tennessee, Camp Living Stones stands as a beacon of adventure and spiritual growth. This idyllic setting is not only surrounded by breathtaking natural beauty but is also rich in history and deeply rooted in a mission to foster personal and spiritual development.

Founded with the vision of creating a space where young individuals could grow both in faith and character, Camp Living Stones has been a pivotal part of the community, offering a blend of recreational activities and spiritual guidance. The camp is strategically located to incorporate the surrounding landscapes, including the nearby Cherokee National Forest, as integral parts of its program, enabling campers to experience nature up close through hiking, climbing, and water sports.

The philosophy of Camp Living Stones is encapsulated in its mission statement: “To build up young people in the truth of Christ through the truth of His creation.” This statement reflects the camp’s dedication to using the natural world as a classroom to teach life lessons and spiritual truths.

Camp Living Stones is designed to cater to both boys and girls across various age groups, typically ranging from early adolescence to late teens. This coeducational approach allows for a diverse, enriching experience that emphasizes leadership, teamwork, and personal development through both structured activities and free play in a safe, nurturing environment.

In essence, Camp Living Stones is more than just a summer camp; it is a community dedicated to guiding young lives through transformative experiences amidst one of Tennessee’s most beautiful regions.

Programs Offered by Camp Living Stones

Camp Living Stones offers a variety of programs designed to engage campers in both physical activities and spiritual growth, all set within the stunning natural backdrop of the Appalachian region. Here’s an overview of the programs and what a typical day looks like at the camp:

Programs and Session Lengths
  1. Adventure Programs: These sessions run typically for one week and are filled with activities like rock climbing, kayaking, and backpacking. They focus on teaching campers about teamwork and perseverance while enjoying the great outdoors.
  2. Spiritual Growth Retreats: Lasting one to two weeks, these retreats combine traditional camp activities with daily worship sessions, Bible studies, and group discussions, emphasizing personal and spiritual development.
  3. Leadership Training: Designed for older campers, these two-week sessions aim to develop leadership skills through advanced camp responsibilities, mentoring opportunities, and specialized workshops.
Specialty Programs
  • Arts: Includes music, drama, and visual arts workshops designed to help campers explore their creativity while appreciating the beauty of their surroundings.
  • Sports: Focuses on outdoor sports such as archery, rock climbing, and water sports, teaching skills and sportsmanship in a competitive yet friendly environment.
  • Environmental Science: Campers can engage in nature walks, wildlife studies, and environmental conservation projects, learning about ecology and the importance of sustainable practices.
Typical Daily Schedule
  • 7:00 AM – Wake Up & Personal Time
  • 8:00 AM – Breakfast
  • 9:00 AM – Morning Worship/Devotional
  • 10:00 AM – Activity Session 1 (e.g., Rock Climbing, Arts and Crafts)
  • 12:00 PM – Lunch
  • 1:00 PM – Free Time/Rest
  • 2:00 PM – Activity Session 2 (e.g., Kayaking, Environmental Science)
  • 4:00 PM – Leadership Workshops/Specialty Program Time
  • 6:00 PM – Dinner
  • 7:00 PM – Evening Worship/Group Activities
  • 9:00 PM – Campfire and Social Time
  • 10:30 PM – Lights Out

Each day at Camp Living Stones is carefully structured to balance physical activities, spiritual growth, and personal reflection, ensuring that each camper has a fulfilling and enriching experience.

Accommodations in Camp Living Stones

camp living stones

Camp Living Stones provides accommodations that are designed to enhance the rustic and communal experience of camp life, ensuring comfort while maintaining a close connection to the natural environment.

Sleeping Arrangements

  • Cabins: The primary accommodation at Camp Living Stones consists of cabins that blend traditional rustic charm with modern necessities. Each cabin can house between 8 to 12 campers and is equipped with bunk beds. The cabins are grouped in clusters, with each cluster having a common area where campers can gather for activities or nighttime discussions.
  • Tents: For specific programs focused on adventure and survival skills, there are options for campers to sleep in tents. This allows a more immersive experience in the wilderness, enhancing the adventure aspect of the camp.
Dining Options
  • Meal Plans: The camp offers a full meal plan that includes three balanced meals per day, served in the communal dining hall where campers and staff eat together. The dining hall is a central hub of activity, providing a time for everyone to bond over meals.
  • Dietary Accommodations: Understanding the importance of catering to various dietary needs, Camp Living Stones offers options for vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, and allergy-sensitive diets. Parents are encouraged to communicate any specific dietary requirements their children may have before arrival at camp.
Bathroom and Shower Facilities
  • Facilities: Each cabin cluster has its own centrally located bathroom and shower facility. These facilities are designed to be both functional and environmentally friendly, equipped with multiple showers, toilets, and sinks to accommodate the needs of campers efficiently.
  • Maintenance and Cleanliness: The camp staff ensures that all facilities are cleaned and sanitized regularly, adhering to high standards of hygiene. Additionally, campers are educated on maintaining cleanliness and respect for shared spaces.

Overall, Camp Living Stones aims to provide a comfortable, safe, and healthy living environment for all campers, facilitating an unforgettable camping experience while promoting responsibility and community living.

Activities in Camp Living Stones

Camp Living Stones offers a robust selection of activities that cater to various interests and skill levels, ensuring that every camper finds something they enjoy while also having opportunities to try new things. The camp is also known for its special events and traditions that build community and create lasting memories.

List of Activities Offered
  • Outdoor Adventures: Activities include hiking, rock climbing, rappelling, canoeing, and swimming in natural settings.
  • Sports: Summer camps can participate in organized sports like soccer, volleyball, and archery.
  • Crafts: Arts and crafts workshops allow campers to express their creativity through painting, pottery, and other craft activities.
  • Environmental Education: Through guided nature walks and conservation projects, campers learn about local flora and fauna and the importance of environmental stewardship.
Special Events or Traditions
  • Opening Bonfire: The first night of each session features a large bonfire where campers gather for introductions, sing-alongs, and games, setting the tone for the session.
  • End-of-Camp Gala: On the last evening, a gala is held where campers can showcase their talents, celebrate achievements, and share what they’ve learned with each other.
  • Themed Days: These are fun, spirited days where activities are centered around a specific theme, such as “Pirate Day” or “Superhero Day,” encouraging campers to dress up and participate in themed activities.
Skill Development Opportunities
  • Leadership Training: Older campers have opportunities to develop leadership skills through specific programs that include peer mentoring, leading group activities, and participating in decision-making processes.
  • Survival Skills Workshops: These workshops cover skills like orienteering, wilderness first aid, and fire-building, enhancing campers’ confidence and self-reliance.
  • Spiritual Growth Sessions: These sessions are woven into the daily schedule to foster spiritual development through Bible studies, prayer times, and reflective discussions.

Camp Living Stones is dedicated not only to fun and adventure but also to personal growth and development, making it a place where campers can learn new skills, make new friends, and build lasting memories.

The staff of Camp Living Stones

Camp Living Stones is committed to providing a safe, supportive, and enriching environment for all campers. This commitment is reflected in the camp’s careful attention to staff selection, training, and the overall camper-to-staff ratio.

Staff-to-Camper Ratio
  • General Ratio: Camp Living Stones maintains a low staff-to-camper ratio to ensure personalized attention and high-quality supervision. The typical ratio is approximately one staff member for every five campers, which allows staff to effectively manage and engage with each group, ensuring safety and fostering a sense of community.
Hiring Process and Staff Qualifications
  • Selection Process: The hiring process at Camp Living Stones is rigorous, involving multiple interviews, reference checks, and background checks to ensure that all staff members are not only qualified but also dedicated to the camp’s mission and philosophy.
  • Qualifications: Staff members are typically required to have previous experience in camping or youth programs, education, or related fields. Many are college students or graduates who are pursuing careers in education, environmental science, recreation, or theology.
Training and Certifications
  • Mandatory Training: Before the start of each camp season, all staff undergo comprehensive training that covers camp policies, emergency procedures, conflict resolution, and activity leadership. This training ensures that each staff member is prepared to handle a wide range of situations that may arise at camp.
  • Certifications: All staff members are required to hold current certifications in CPR and First Aid. Additional certifications, such as Lifeguarding or Wilderness First Responder, are required for staff involved in specific activities such as swimming or hiking in remote areas.

Camp Living Stones also emphasizes continuous professional development and offers ongoing training sessions throughout the camp season. These sessions are designed to refine skills and update staff on the latest safety protocols and educational methods, ensuring that the camp provides a high standard of care and education for all campers. The investment in staff training and development reflects the camp’s overarching goal of creating a nurturing and safe environment where campers can thrive both personally and spiritually.

Safety and Health in Camp Living Stones

Camp Living Stones prioritizes the safety and health of all campers and staff, implementing rigorous protocols and maintaining facilities to address any health or safety issues efficiently. Here’s an overview of the safety protocols, on-site health facilities, and emergency handling policies:

Safety Protocols and Procedures
  • Regular Drills: The camp conducts regular safety drills, including fire drills and emergency evacuation procedures, to ensure that both campers and staff are familiar with how to respond in various emergencies.
  • Activity-Specific Safety: Each activity offered at the camp has specific safety protocols designed to prevent accidents and injuries. This includes proper use of equipment, mandatory safety gear, and constant supervision by trained staff.
  • Weather Safety: Given the outdoor nature of many camp activities, there are strict protocols for monitoring weather conditions. Activities are adjusted or moved indoors based on weather alerts to ensure camper safety.
On-Site Health Facilities and Staff
  • Health Center: Camp Living Stones is equipped with an on-site health center staffed by a qualified nurse available 24/7 during camp sessions. The health center is equipped to handle minor injuries and illnesses and is stocked with the necessary medical supplies and medications.
  • Health Screenings: Upon arrival, all campers undergo health screenings to identify any existing conditions or potential health issues that could impact their camp experience. This also includes confirming up-to-date vaccinations and collecting information on any medications or allergies.
Policies on Handling Emergencies
  • Emergency Medical Response: The camp has protocols in place for rapid medical response in case of serious injury or illness. This includes immediate on-site treatment and, if necessary, coordination with local emergency services for transport to a nearby hospital.
  • Communication with Parents: In the event of an emergency, the camp’s policy is to notify parents or guardians as soon as possible. The camp maintains updated contact information for each camper’s family for this purpose.
  • Continual Staff Training: All staff members receive training in emergency response, including how to use the communication systems and equipment at the camp effectively. This ensures a coordinated and efficient response to any incident.

Camp Living Stones’ comprehensive approach to safety and health not only adheres to best practices but also reassures parents and guardians that their children are in a safe and caring environment. This commitment to safety helps create a positive and secure atmosphere where campers can enjoy their experiences and focus on growth and learning.

Cost and Registration in Camp Living Stones

Camp Living Stones strives to make its enriching camp experiences accessible and affordable, with a clear and straightforward cost structure, registration process, and options for financial assistance.

Cost of Attendance and What It Includes
  • Costs: The cost of attending Camp Living Stones varies depending on the session length and type of program. Typically, fees range from $400 to $800 per session. This cost includes all lodging, meals, activities, and access to camp facilities. It also covers equipment used for specific activities like rock climbing, water sports, and arts and crafts.
  • Additional Costs: There may be additional costs for optional extras, such as camp merchandise (t-shirts, hats), special outings, or advanced crafts materials. These are usually optional and communicated upfront during the registration process.
Registration Process and Deadlines
  • Online Registration: Registration for camp sessions is conducted online. Parents can fill out all necessary forms, select session dates, and choose specific programs.
  • Deadlines: Registration typically opens several months before the camp season starts and remains open until all spots are filled. Early registration is encouraged to ensure availability in desired sessions and to take advantage of any early bird discounts.
Payment Plans, Refunds, and Cancellation Policies
  • Payment Plans: The camp offers flexible payment plans to help families manage the cost of attendance. These plans allow parents to pay in installments leading up to the camp session.
  • Refunds and Cancellations: Full refunds are available up to a month before the session starts. For cancellations made less than a month in advance, a portion of the fee may be retained to cover administrative costs unless the cancellation is due to medical reasons, for which documentation is required.
  • Cancellation Insurance: Families have the option to purchase cancellation insurance when registering, which covers the costs if the camper has to withdraw for covered reasons not otherwise accommodated by the camp’s refund policy.
Scholarships and Financial Aid
  • Scholarships: Camp Living Stones offers scholarships based on need, merit, or both. Families in need of financial assistance are encouraged to apply early, as scholarship funds are limited and distributed on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • Financial Aid: Additional financial aid may be available through community sponsors and partner organizations. Information about these opportunities is typically provided during the registration process.

Camp Living Stones is committed to ensuring that no child misses out on a camp experience due to financial constraints, offering various options to support families in making this valuable investment in their children’s development.

Parent and Camper Preparation in Camp Living Stones

Camp Living Stones provides detailed guidance to ensure both parents and campers are well-prepared for the camp experience. Here’s a comprehensive overview of the preparation needed, including what to pack, camp rules and policies, and some helpful tips for first-time campers and their parents.

Packing List
  • Essential Clothing: Include weather-appropriate clothing such as t-shirts, shorts, long pants, and a jacket. Don’t forget swimwear, a raincoat, and sturdy footwear suitable for hiking.
  • Bedding and Toiletries: Campers should bring a sleeping bag or bedding, a pillow, and personal toiletry items (toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, etc.).
  • Other Essentials: Pack a flashlight, insect repellent, sunscreen, a water bottle, and hats for sun protection.
  • Optional Items: Books, writing materials, and disposable cameras are allowed. These can enhance the camper’s experience without breaching the technology use policy.
Rules and Policies
  • Technology Use: To encourage engagement and interaction, personal electronic devices like smartphones, tablets, and laptops are generally not permitted. Cameras for photography may be allowed, but usage guidelines will be specified.
  • Visitation: Parents are usually not allowed to visit during the session to help campers fully immerse in the experience and foster independence. Specific days might be set for visitation at the beginning or end of the session, often aligned with performances or showcases by the campers.
  • Behavioral Expectations: Respect for others, positive participation in camp activities, and adherence to safety rules are fundamental. Bullying, possession of contraband, or failure to follow safety instructions will result in disciplinary action, which could include contacting parents or guardians.
Tips for First-Time Campers and Parents
  • Pre-Camp Preparation: Discuss what the camp experience will involve, focusing on the exciting opportunities and the new skills they’ll learn. This helps set positive expectations and reduces anxiety.
  • Homesickness: It’s common for first-time campers to experience homesickness. Parents can prepare their children by practicing overnight stays at friends’ or relatives’ homes and encouraging independence in daily routines.
  • Communication: Explain the communication policy of the camp. Usually, camps allow letters or emails, and sometimes scheduled calls, to keep in touch without disrupting the camp experience.
  • Pack Together: Involve your child in the packing process. This not only ensures they know what they have packed but also helps them take responsibility for their belongings.

By preparing adequately, both parents and first-time campers can feel more confident about the upcoming camp experience, ensuring that the transition to camp life is smooth and enjoyable.

Camp Living Stones offers a unique and enriching experience for young people, set against the picturesque backdrop of the Appalachian foothills. With a wide range of activities, dedicated staff, and a robust infrastructure designed to ensure safety and fun, it stands out as a place where campers can explore their potential, develop new skills, and grow spiritually. The camp’s commitment to fostering personal development and leadership skills in a faith-based environment helps nurture a strong sense of community and lasting friendships among campers.

Whether it’s climbing a rock face, paddling through serene waters, or crafting a piece of art, each camper finds opportunities to learn and thrive. For parents seeking a safe, engaging, and meaningful summer experience for their children, Camp Living Stones is an excellent choice, promising not just fun and adventure, but a place where young individuals transform and shine.

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