WinShape Camps for Girls Mt Berry GA

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Nestled in the scenic heart of Georgia, amidst the lush landscapes and historic landmarks of Mt. Berry, WinShape Camps for Girls at Mt. Berry, GA, presents a unique blend of adventure, learning, and personal growth. Located on the expansive and picturesque campus near Rome, Georgia, this camp leverages the beauty and tranquility of its surroundings to offer an unforgettable experience for its attendees.

WinShape Camps for Girls at Mt. Berry was founded with a vision to create a nurturing environment where young girls could explore their potential, develop new skills, and forge lasting friendships. The camp, situated conveniently near Berry College, one of the largest college campuses in the world by acreage, provides an idyllic setting for a variety of outdoor and educational activities. The area is rich in history and natural beauty, offering campers the perfect backdrop for their summer adventures.

The mission of WinShape Camps for Girls at Mt. Berry is deeply rooted in the belief that every young girl has been uniquely designed and deserves an opportunity to discover and develop her inherent strengths. The camp’s philosophy emphasizes personal growth through faith, character-building, and the development of leadership skills. By fostering an environment of encouragement and challenge, the camp aims to equip girls with the confidence and abilities to make positive impacts within their communities and beyond.

Specifically tailored for girls, WinShape Camps at Mt. Berry offers programs for various age groups, ensuring that each camper receives age-appropriate guidance and activities. The camp provides a diverse array of programs ranging from outdoor adventures and sports to creative arts and sciences, allowing each girl to explore her interests and passions.

WinShape Camps for Girls at Mt. Berry, GA, is not just a place for summer fun; it is a community committed to nurturing the potential of young girls through a holistic approach to learning and development. Here, amidst the natural beauty of Georgia, campers are invited to embark on a journey of discovery, growth, and adventure.

Programs Offered by WinShape Camps for Girls

WinShape Camps for Girls at Mt. Berry, GA, offers a comprehensive and diverse range of programs designed to cater to the varied interests and developmental needs of young girls. Each program is thoughtfully crafted to not only entertain but also to educate, inspire, and foster personal growth. Here’s an overview of the programs, their duration, specialty areas, and a glimpse into the typical daily schedule at the camp.

Description of Programs

WinShape Camps for Girls provides an array of programs that combine adventure, learning, and spiritual growth. The programs are designed to help campers develop their skills, discover new talents, and deepen their faith. From outdoor exploration and team sports to creative arts and science experiments, the camp offers something for every young girl.

Length of Sessions
  • One-Week Sessions: These sessions are perfect for first-time campers or those looking for a short-term camp experience. They offer a taste of what WinShape Camps has to offer, including a wide range of activities and special events.
  • Two-Week Sessions: For a more immersive experience, two-week sessions provide campers with the opportunity to delve deeper into their chosen activities, build stronger community ties, and experience personal growth.
  • Full Summer Options: For the ultimate camp experience, some families choose to enroll their campers in back-to-back sessions, effectively creating a full-summer adventure. This option allows for maximum exposure to all that WinShape has to offer.
Specialty Programs
  • Arts: For the creatively inclined, arts programs may include dance, drama, music, and visual arts, designed to encourage creativity and self-expression.
  • Sports: Sports programs cater to all levels of athletic ability, offering everything from team sports like soccer and basketball to individual sports and fitness activities.
  • Science: The science programs are designed to spark curiosity and a love for learning through hands-on experiments, environmental education, and exploration.
Typical Daily Schedule

A day at WinShape Camps for Girls is carefully structured to provide a balance of activities, learning, and free time, ensuring campers enjoy a fulfilling and fun-filled experience. Here’s what a typical day might look like:

  • Morning:
    • Wake-up and personal time
    • Breakfast together
    • Morning worship and inspiration session
    • Activity block 1 (e.g., sports, arts)
  • Afternoon:
    • Lunch and rest time
    • Activity block 2 (e.g., science experiments, outdoor adventure)
    • Free time (options for swimming, crafts, or extra practice in sports or arts)
  • Evening:
    • Dinner
    • Evening program (varies daily, may include guest speakers, talent shows, or campfires)
    • Small group time for reflection and connection
    • Lights out

Throughout their stay, campers are guided by experienced and caring staff, dedicated to creating a supportive and empowering environment. The blend of structured activities and leisure time allows each girl to explore her interests, build meaningful friendships, and develop a stronger sense of self.

Accommodations in WinShape Camps for Girls

winshape camps for girls

At WinShape Camps for Girls at Mt. Berry, GA, the accommodations are designed to ensure a comfortable, safe, and enjoyable stay for all campers. The camp prides itself on providing a welcoming environment that feels like a home away from home. Here’s a detailed look at the sleeping arrangements, dining options, and bathroom and shower facilities available to campers.

Sleeping Arrangements

  • Cabins/Dorms: The primary accommodations for campers are in the form of cabins or dormitory-style housing, which are located within the secure confines of the campgrounds, often nestled among the beautiful natural surroundings. These accommodations are designed to foster a sense of community and camaraderie among campers. Rooms are typically shared between several campers, with bunk beds to maximize space and encourage bonding. Each cabin or dorm is supervised by trained camp counselors who reside with the campers, ensuring safety and providing guidance.
Dining Options
  • Meal Plans: WinShape Camps for Girls offers comprehensive meal plans that include breakfast, lunch, and dinner, ensuring campers receive nutritious and balanced meals throughout their stay. Meals are served in a communal dining hall, where campers gather to eat together, fostering a family-like atmosphere.
  • Dietary Accommodations: Understanding the importance of catering to the diverse dietary needs of its campers, the camp is prepared to accommodate various dietary restrictions and preferences, including allergies, vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, and other specific dietary requirements. Parents are encouraged to communicate any dietary needs their children have ahead of time, so the camp can make the necessary arrangements.
Bathroom and Shower Facilities
  • Bathrooms: Bathroom facilities are conveniently located in or near the sleeping accommodations. These facilities are gender-specific and are equipped with multiple stalls to ensure privacy and convenience for all campers.
  • Showers: Shower facilities are also available, designed to offer privacy and comfort. Separate shower stalls with curtains or doors ensure that campers can maintain their privacy. The camp maintains a high standard of cleanliness, with facilities cleaned and sanitized regularly.

The staff at WinShape Camps for Girls at Mt. Berry, GA, are dedicated to making the camp experience as comfortable and enjoyable as possible. With cozy accommodations, a wide variety of food options, and clean, accessible bathroom and shower facilities, campers can focus on enjoying their summer adventures and personal growth experiences.

Activities in WinShape Camps for Girls

WinShape Camps for Girls at Mt. Berry, GA, is renowned for its wide range of activities designed to engage, challenge, and inspire campers of all interests and abilities. From outdoor adventures to creative arts, each activity is crafted to encourage personal growth, skill development, and the creation of lasting memories. Here’s a glimpse into the activities, special events, and skill development opportunities that make WinShape an unforgettable experience.

List of Activities Offered
  • Outdoor Adventures: Activities such as hiking, rock climbing, and zip-lining offer thrilling experiences that also teach resilience and courage.
  • Swimming: With supervised pool time, campers can enjoy swimming lessons, free swimming, and water games, perfect for cooling off on hot summer days.
  • Sports: A variety of sports, including soccer, basketball, volleyball, and tennis, cater to all skill levels, promoting teamwork and physical fitness.
  • Crafts: Creative sessions in pottery, painting, and jewelry making allow campers to express their creativity and bring home handmade souvenirs.
  • Performing Arts: Summer camps, dance, drama, and music workshops provide a stage for girls to develop their artistic talents and perform for their peers.
  • Archery and Riflery: Taught by certified instructors, these activities focus on safety, precision, and patience.
  • Cooking Workshops: Fun and interactive cooking classes teach campers about nutrition, food preparation, and culinary skills.
  • Nature and Science: Programs designed to explore the wonders of nature and science through hands-on experiments and outdoor exploration.
Special Events or Traditions
  • Opening and Closing Ceremonies: These bookend the camp experience, setting the tone for the session and providing closure with awards, recognitions, and reflections.
  • Theme Days: Special days throughout the session where activities, costumes, and meals revolve around a fun and engaging theme.
  • Campfires: Evening campfires offer a time for storytelling, singing, marshmallow roasting, and reflecting on the day’s adventures.
  • Spirit Competitions: Camp-wide games and competitions foster a sense of community and spirited fun, encouraging teamwork and camp pride.
Skill Development Opportunities
  • Leadership Workshops: Programs designed to build leadership skills, confidence, and the ability to work effectively in teams.
  • Spiritual Development: Non-denominational Christian devotionals and discussions are woven into the fabric of camp life, offering campers moments for reflection and growth.
  • Personal Growth Seminars: Workshops on topics relevant to young girls, such as self-esteem, friendship, and goal setting, provide valuable life skills.
  • Specialty Skill Tracks: For campers interested in deepening their knowledge or skills in specific areas, specialty tracks offer intensive instruction and practice.

At WinShape Camps for Girls, the focus is on creating a supportive, fun, and enriching environment where campers can explore their interests, challenge themselves, and develop new skills. The combination of diverse activities, special events, and skill development opportunities ensures that every camper has the chance to grow, learn, and make lasting memories.

The staff of WinShape Camps for Girls

The staff at WinShape Camps for Girls at Mt. Berry, GA, play a pivotal role in creating a safe, nurturing, and enriching environment for all campers. The camp places a high priority on maintaining an excellent staff-to-camper ratio, ensuring that each camper receives personalized attention and care. Furthermore, the hiring process, staff qualifications, and training protocols are meticulously designed to select and prepare staff members who are not only skilled in their areas of expertise but also passionate about making a positive impact on young lives.

Staff-to-Camper Ratio

WinShape Camps for Girls strives to maintain an optimal staff-to-camper ratio that ensures each camper feels seen, heard, and supported. While the exact ratio may vary depending on the activity and age group, the camp typically aims for a ratio that exceeds industry standards, often around 1 staff member for every 6-10 campers. This ratio allows staff to provide a high level of supervision, engagement, and personalized interaction, enhancing the overall camp experience.

Hiring Process and Staff Qualifications
  • Rigorous Selection Process: The hiring process for WinShape Camps staff is comprehensive and includes detailed applications, interviews, and background checks. This process helps ensure that all staff members are not only qualified but also align with the camp’s mission and values.
  • Diverse Expertise: Staff are selected based on a combination of their experience, educational background, and passion for working with youth. Many staff members are college students or recent graduates pursuing degrees in education, recreation, psychology, or related fields.
  • Character and Commitment: Beyond professional qualifications, staff are chosen for their character, enthusiasm for creating a positive camp environment, and dedication to the personal growth of each camper.
Training and Certifications
  • Pre-Camp Training: Prior to the start of camp, all staff undergo extensive training that covers camp policies, emergency procedures, child development, and effective communication techniques. This training ensures that staff are well-prepared to provide a safe, supportive, and fun environment for campers.
  • Specialized Certifications: Staff responsible for specific activities, such as swimming, archery, or rock climbing, hold relevant certifications and are trained in safety protocols specific to their area. This includes certifications in CPR and First Aid for a significant number of camp staff, ensuring that they are prepared to respond to any health or safety concerns that may arise.
  • Ongoing Development: Throughout the camp season, staff receive ongoing support and training to address any challenges and to continuously improve the quality of the camp experience.

The dedication to high staff standards at WinShape Camps for Girls at Mt. Berry, GA, reflects a commitment to providing a premier camp experience. Through careful staff selection, comprehensive training, and a focus on safety and personal growth, WinShape ensures that every camper is in good hands, fostering an environment where fun and learning go hand in hand.

Safety and Health in WinShape Camps for Girls

Safety and health are paramount at WinShape Camps for Girls at Mt. Berry, GA, where a comprehensive approach ensures a secure and nurturing environment for all campers. The camp has established rigorous safety protocols and procedures, robust on-site health facilities and staff, and clear policies for handling emergencies, all designed to maintain the well-being of campers and staff alike.

Safety Protocols and Procedures
  • Routine Safety Drills: Regularly scheduled drills for fire, weather emergencies, and other potential incidents ensure that both campers and staff are well-prepared and know how to respond in various situations.
  • Activity-Specific Safety Measures: Each activity, especially those involving physical exertion or outdoor adventures, follows strict safety guidelines, including the use of appropriate gear, adherence to safety rules, and constant supervision by qualified staff.
  • Secure Campus: The camp maintains a secure environment with controlled access to ensure that only authorized individuals are on campus. This includes a check-in and check-out system for campers and a visitor policy that requires identification and purpose verification.
  • Bullying Prevention: Policies are in place to prevent bullying and ensure that all campers feel safe and respected. Staff are trained to recognize and address any signs of bullying promptly.
On-Site Health Facilities and Staff
  • Health Center: WinShape Camps for Girls is equipped with an on-site health center staffed by licensed healthcare professionals, including nurses and/or a visiting physician, who are available 24/7 to address health needs.
  • Medication Management: The health center manages and administers all medications for campers, ensuring that those with prescriptions receive their doses on time and as directed.
  • Pre-Camp Health Screening: To promote a healthy camp environment, all campers are required to undergo a health screening and submit a health history form prior to arrival, helping to identify and accommodate any special health needs.
Policies on Handling Emergencies
  • Emergency Response Plan: The camp has a comprehensive emergency response plan that outlines procedures for various scenarios, including medical emergencies, natural disasters, and other urgent situations. This plan is regularly reviewed and updated.
  • Communication Protocol: In the event of an emergency, the camp has a clear communication protocol to inform parents, guardians, and relevant authorities. This ensures that all parties are kept informed and that appropriate measures are taken swiftly.
  • Training for Staff: All staff members receive training in emergency response, including first aid and CPR, and are familiar with the camp’s emergency procedures. This preparation ensures that staff can act quickly and effectively to safeguard the health and safety of campers.

WinShape Camps for Girls at Mt. Berry, GA, prioritizes the health and safety of its campers above all else. Through diligent safety protocols, comprehensive healthcare facilities, and stringent emergency policies, the camp fosters an environment where parents can feel confident in the safety and well-being of their children, and where campers can focus on enjoying a positive and enriching camp experience.

Cost and Registration in WinShape Camps for Girls

WinShape Camps for Girls at Mt. Berry, GA, offers an enriching camp experience that focuses on personal growth, adventure, and spiritual development. Understanding the importance of clear and accessible registration and payment policies, the camp outlines the cost of attendance, registration process, and financial policies to ensure families can plan effectively for their campers’ summer experiences. While specific figures and dates may vary from year to year, here’s a general overview of what families can expect.

Cost of Attendance and What It Includes

The cost of attending WinShape Camps for Girls covers more than just the basic lodging and meals—it encompasses a comprehensive camp experience. This includes:

  • All lodging is in secure and comfortable accommodations.
  • Three meals per day, plus snacks.
  • All program materials and equipment for a wide range of activities.
  • Expert instruction and supervision by trained staff.
  • Camp memorabilia, such as T-shirts and other keepsakes.
Registration Process and Deadlines
  • Online Registration: Families can register their campers through an online portal available on the WinShape Camps website. This platform guides them through selecting session dates, choosing activities, and filling out necessary medical and consent forms.
  • Deadlines: Early registration is encouraged to ensure a spot, as spaces fill up quickly. Specific deadlines for registration are typically set a few months before the start of camp sessions. It’s advisable to check the camp’s website or contact the camp directly for the most current registration dates.
Payment Plans, Refunds, and Cancellation Policies
  • Payment Plans: To accommodate different financial situations, WinShape Camps often offers payment plans that allow families to spread the cost of the camp over multiple installments.
  • Refunds and Cancellations: Policies regarding refunds and cancellations are clearly outlined during the registration process. Generally, there is a non-refundable deposit. Refunds for the remainder of the camp fee may be available if cancellation occurs by a specified date, less any administrative fees. After this date, refunds may not be available, except under extenuating circumstances.
  • Insurance: Some families opt for camp insurance to cover unexpected cancellations or early departures due to illness or injury.
Scholarships and Financial Aid
  • Scholarships: WinShape Camps for Girls is committed to making camp accessible to as many girls as possible. Scholarships and financial aid are available to families who demonstrate financial need. The application process for these funds is confidential and requires documentation of financial circumstances.
  • Financial Aid: Information about how to apply for financial aid can typically be found on the camp’s website. The camp encourages interested families to apply early, as funds are limited and distributed on a first-come, first-served basis.

WinShape Camps for Girls aims to be as inclusive as possible, providing various options to assist families in covering the cost of the camp. By offering a clear registration process, flexible payment plans, and opportunities for financial aid, WinShape ensures that every girl has the chance to experience the transformational power of camp.

WinShape Camps for Girls at Mt Berry GA offers two-week sleepaway camp sessions with a flat fee per session. Here’s the breakdown of their fees:

  • Two-Week Session Rate: $2,200

Additional fees to consider:

There is a separate program called the Taiga Adventure Program for completed 11th graders. This program has a different fee of $2,496

Parent and Camper Preparation in WinShape Camps for Girls

Preparing for WinShape Camps for Girls at Mt. Berry, GA, involves more than just packing; it’s about setting campers and their parents up for a successful, enjoyable camp experience. To ensure both campers and parents are well-prepared, WinShape provides comprehensive guidance, including a packing list, rules and policies, and tips specifically tailored for first-time campers and their families.

Packing List

A well-thought-out packing list is essential for campers to have everything they need for their time at camp. While specific items may vary based on the session and activities chosen, a general packing list includes:

  • Clothing: T-shirts, shorts, jeans or long pants, undergarments, socks, pajamas, swimsuit, rain jacket, and a hat for sun protection.
  • Footwear: Comfortable sneakers, sandals with back straps, and possibly hiking boots for specific outdoor activities.
  • Bedding and Linens: Sleeping bag or sheets and blankets (depending on the accommodation), pillow, bath towels, and washcloths.
  • Toiletries: Toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, shampoo, sunscreen, insect repellent, and any necessary personal items.
  • Miscellaneous: Water bottle, flashlight, or headlamp with extra batteries, daypack, and sunglasses.
  • Optional: Camera (non-smartphone), stationary and stamps for writing home, and a book or journal.
Rules and Policies
  • Technology Use: To foster engagement and connection, WinShape Camps typically have a no cell phone and limited technology policy for campers. This helps campers to fully immerse in the camp experience without distractions.
  • Visitation: For the safety and security of campers, visitation is usually restricted or very tightly controlled. Parents are encouraged to check the specific policies regarding visitation days or events.
  • Behavior: Campers are expected to adhere to a code of conduct that promotes respect, kindness, and cooperation. Rules regarding behavior will be clearly communicated to both campers and parents prior to arrival.
Tips for First-Time Campers and Parents
  • Open Communication: Discuss what the camp experience will entail, focusing on the exciting opportunities and adventures ahead. Address any anxieties or questions openly.
  • Practice Independence: Encourage your child to practice skills they’ll use at camp, like making their bed or choosing their clothes, to help them feel more prepared and confident.
  • Set Goals: Talk about what your camper hopes to achieve or learn at camp, whether it’s making new friends, trying a new activity, or simply becoming more independent.
  • Stay Positive: Especially for first-time campers, it’s normal to have mixed emotions. Stay positive and focus on the growth and fun that camp provides.
  • Prepare for Homesickness: Discuss strategies for managing homesickness, like writing letters home or focusing on making new friends and trying new activities.

Preparing for camp is a team effort between campers, parents, and the camp staff. By following these guidelines and leveraging the resources provided by WinShape Camps, first-time campers and their parents can feel more at ease and excited about the upcoming camp experience.

WinShape Camps for Girls at Mt. Berry, GA, stands as a beacon of growth, adventure, and spiritual enrichment for young girls nationwide. Through its comprehensive and carefully curated programs, WinShape offers a unique camp experience that combines the thrill of outdoor activities, the creativity of arts and crafts, and the challenge of personal and spiritual development. The camp’s dedication to creating a safe, nurturing, and engaging environment is evident in every detail, from the thoughtful selection of staff and the rigorous safety protocols to the inclusive community and the emphasis on individual growth.

By participating in WinShape Camps, campers embark on a journey of self-discovery. They are encouraged to explore their interests, develop new skills, and form lasting friendships, all within the beautiful and serene setting of Mt. Berry, GA. The camp’s commitment to fostering independence, confidence, and a deep sense of community prepares young girls to return home with a renewed sense of purpose and a stronger faith.

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