Asbury Camp Washburn ND

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Nestled in the serene landscapes of North Dakota, Asbury Camp Washburn stands as a beacon of adventure and learning for young minds. Located in the heart of the state, near the tranquil Washburn region, this camp is surrounded by natural beauty, offering a perfect backdrop for a variety of outdoor activities and educational experiences.

Established with a vision to nurture growth and foster community among its campers, Asbury Camp Washburn has a rich history of bringing children and adolescents together in an enriching environment. From its humble beginnings to its current status as a cherished summer destination, the camp has always prioritized the development of strong values and skills among its participants.

The mission of Asbury Camp Washburn is to provide a safe, inclusive, and fun environment where campers can explore their interests, develop new skills, and make lifelong friends. The camp is dedicated to helping each camper grow in confidence and character through a blend of recreational and educational programs.

Asbury Camp Washburn is a facility that welcomes boys and girls across various age groups. With programs tailored to meet the needs and interests of each age group, the camp ensures that every camper has the opportunity to enjoy a memorable and impactful summer experience. Whether it’s through team sports, creative arts, or outdoor adventures, Asbury Camp Washburn is committed to creating a summer full of growth, learning, and fun.

Programs Offered by Asbury Camp

Asbury Camp Washburn offers a dynamic array of programs designed to cater to a wide range of interests and ages. Each session at the camp is structured to provide a balanced mix of learning, recreation, and personal growth.

Programs Offered
  1. Explorer Program:
    • Age Group: 7-10 years
    • Length: One-week sessions
    • Focus: Basic camping skills, nature exploration, and team-building activities.
  2. Adventurer Program:
    • Age Group: 11-14 years
    • Length: Two-week sessions
    • Focus: Advanced outdoor skills, leadership training, and environmental science projects.
  3. Leader-in-Training (LIT) Program:
    • Age Group: 15-17 years
    • Length: Full summer
    • Focus: Leadership skills development, with opportunities to assist in leading younger groups and organize camp events.
Specialty Programs
  • Arts: Includes crafts, theatre, and music workshops, focusing on creative expression and performance skills.
  • Sports: Features a variety of sports, including soccer, basketball, and swimming, aimed at improving physical fitness and team cooperation.
  • Science: Engages campers in hands-on science experiments, nature walks, and astronomy nights, fostering curiosity and scientific knowledge.
Typical Daily Schedule
  • 7:30 AM: Wake up and morning exercises
  • 8:00 AM: Breakfast
  • 9:00 AM: Morning program session (e.g., arts, sports, science)
  • 12:00 PM: Lunch
  • 1:00 PM: Rest hour/free time
  • 2:00 PM: Afternoon program session (activity varies by day and program)
  • 5:00 PM: Free time and optional activities
  • 6:00 PM: Dinner
  • 7:00 PM: Evening activities (campfires, storytelling, talent shows)
  • 9:00 PM: Lights out for younger campers
  • 10:00 PM: Lights out for older campers

This schedule is designed to keep campers engaged and active throughout the day, while also providing ample time for rest and socialization. Each element of the day is crafted to contribute to a fulfilling and enjoyable camp experience.

Accommodations in Asbury Camp

asbury camp

Sleeping Arrangements Asbury Camp Washburn offers a rustic yet comfortable lodging experience designed to immerse campers in the outdoor environment while ensuring their comfort and safety.

  • Cabins: The primary accommodation type, these cabins house 8-10 campers each, along with 2 counselors. Cabins are equipped with bunk beds and storage space for personal items. They are grouped in clusters, which helps foster a small community atmosphere among campers.
  • Tents: For specific programs or older age groups, there are options to sleep in tents for part of the session. This allows for a more authentic camping experience and is often used during special adventure trips or overnight excursions.

Dining Options

  • Meal Plans: All meals are served in the communal dining hall, where campers gather to eat three times a day. The menu is varied throughout the week to ensure balanced nutrition and to introduce campers to different cuisines.
  • Dietary Accommodations: Asbury Camp Washburn is committed to meeting the dietary needs of all campers. Vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, and meals accommodating specific allergies are available upon request. Parents are encouraged to discuss their child’s dietary needs prior to arrival to ensure well-prepared accommodations.

Bathroom and Shower Facilities

  • Centralized Facilities: The camp features modern bathroom and shower facilities centrally located for easy access from all cabins and main activity areas. Separate facilities are provided for male and female campers, each equipped with individual stalls and privacy showers.
  • Cleanliness and Safety: Maintaining a clean and hygienic environment is a priority. The facilities are cleaned multiple times daily, and protocols are in place to promote health and safety, including scheduled times for different groups to prevent overcrowding.

These accommodations are designed to ensure that campers can enjoy their stay comfortably and safely, focusing on their activities and interactions without concern for basic needs.

Activities in Asbury Camp

List of Activities Offered Asbury Camp Washburn provides a diverse array of activities designed to engage campers of all interests and skill levels. Here are some of the core activities available:

  • Swimming: Summer camps, daily swim sessions in the camp’s large outdoor pool, including lessons and free swim times.
  • Hiking: Guided hikes along various trails around the campgrounds and nearby natural areas, suitable for different age groups and skill levels.
  • Crafts: A wide range of arts and crafts workshops where campers can create everything from pottery to friendship bracelets.
  • Canoeing and Kayaking: Water-based activities on the camp’s lake, teaching basic paddling techniques and water safety.
  • Archery: Instruction in archery fundamentals, focusing on safety and skill building.
  • Sports: Organized sports activities, including soccer, basketball, and volleyball.
  • Nature Walks: Educational walks that focus on local flora, fauna, and ecological practices.
  • Campfires: Regular campfire gatherings that include singing, storytelling, and marshmallow roasting.

Special Events or Traditions

  • Opening and Closing Ceremonies: These bookend the camp sessions, setting the tone and then providing a reflective end to the camp experience.
  • Color Wars: A camp-wide team competition that spans several days and includes a variety of physical and creative challenges.
  • Talent Show: An opportunity for campers to showcase their talents in front of their peers, fostering confidence and community spirit.
  • Overnight Camping Trips: For older campers, these trips involve setting up camp in a remote location, and teaching advanced outdoor skills.

Skill Development Opportunities

  • Leadership Training: Especially in the Leader-in-Training (LIT) program, where older campers learn to manage responsibilities and lead groups.
  • Environmental Education: Programs designed to teach campers about conservation, wildlife, and sustainable practices.
  • Creative Expression: Through arts and crafts, musical activities, and drama workshops, campers explore and develop their creative talents.
  • Physical Fitness: Regular physical activities promote health and fitness, along with teaching teamwork and sportsmanship.

These activities not only fill the campers’ days with fun but also help in the development of valuable life skills, such as teamwork, leadership, and self-reliance.

The staff of Asbury Camp

Staff-to-Camper Ratio Asbury Camp Washburn is committed to providing a safe and attentive environment for all campers. The camp maintains a low staff-to-camper ratio to ensure personalized attention and supervision. Typically, the ratio is 1 staff member to every 6 campers. This ratio allows staff to effectively manage and engage with campers, ensuring a supportive and safe environment.

Hiring Process and Staff Qualifications

  • Hiring Process: The camp employs a rigorous hiring process that includes multiple interviews, reference checks, and background checks. This thorough vetting helps ensure that all staff members are trustworthy and capable of providing a high level of care.
  • Qualifications: Staff members are generally required to have prior experience in childcare or camp settings. Many are educators or students pursuing degrees in education, psychology, or related fields. The camp prioritizes hiring individuals who are passionate about working with children and who possess strong leadership skills.

Training and Certifications

  • Pre-Camp Training: Before the camp season begins, all staff undergo intensive pre-camp training. This training covers camp policies, emergency procedures, conflict resolution, and activity leadership.
  • CPR and First Aid: All staff members are required to be certified in CPR and First Aid. These certifications are typically provided by the camp if not already obtained by the staff.
  • Specialized Training: For activities that require specific skills or safety knowledge, such as swimming, archery, or rock climbing, staff receive additional specialized training. This ensures that they are well-prepared to guide and supervise campers safely in these activities.

By maintaining a well-trained and dedicated staff, Asbury Camp Washburn ensures that all campers not only have a memorable and fun experience but also a safe and well-supervised one. The camp’s commitment to quality staff and supervision reflects its overall mission to provide a nurturing, educational, and enjoyable environment for every camper.

Safety and Health in Asbury Camp

Safety Protocols and Procedures Asbury Camp Washburn prioritizes the safety of its campers and staff by implementing comprehensive safety protocols and procedures that cover a wide range of potential scenarios:

  • Routine Drills: Regularly scheduled drills for fire, severe weather, and other emergencies ensure that campers and staff are well-prepared for any situation.
  • Activity Safety: Specific guidelines and safety measures are in place for each activity offered at the camp, particularly those that involve higher risks, such as swimming, archery, and hiking.
  • Equipment Checks: All equipment used in camp activities is regularly inspected and maintained to prevent accidents and ensure safe operation.
  • Supervision: Constant, vigilant supervision is provided during all activities, with staff trained to enforce safety rules and respond quickly to any issues.

On-Site Health Facilities and Staff

  • Health Center: The camp boasts a well-equipped health center staffed by qualified healthcare professionals, including a registered nurse available 24/7 during camp sessions.
  • Capabilities: The health center is capable of treating minor injuries and illnesses and is prepared to stabilize more serious conditions until emergency services arrive.
  • Medication Management: The health staff manages and administers all camper medications according to physician instructions, ensuring that campers receive their prescribed treatments on schedule.

Policies on Handling Emergencies

  • Emergency Response Plan: The camp has a detailed emergency response plan that outlines procedures for various potential emergencies, from natural disasters to health crises.
  • Communication: In case of an emergency, the camp has protocols for communicating with local emergency services and with parents. The camp ensures that families are informed as soon as possible about any significant issues affecting their children.
  • Evacuation Procedures: Clear evacuation routes and procedures are established and communicated to both staff and campers. These procedures are practiced in drills and can be implemented swiftly if necessary.

Through these thorough safety and health protocols, Asbury Camp Washburn ensures a secure environment where campers can focus on enjoying their activities and exploring new interests without undue risk.

Cost and Registration in Asbury Camp

Cost of Attendance The cost of attending Asbury Camp Washburn varies depending on the length of the session and the specific program chosen. Generally, costs include:

  • Included in the Fee are all accommodations, meals, activities, and supervision. Transportation to and from the camp is typically not included unless specified.
  • Example Costs:
    • One-week sessions might cost approximately $500.
    • Two-week sessions could be around $950.
    • Full summer programs, particularly those involving extensive leadership training, may cost upwards of $1800.

Registration Process and Deadlines

  • Online Registration: Parents can register their children through the camp’s website, where they will fill out necessary forms, choose sessions, and submit medical information.
  • Deadlines: Early registration typically opens in January and can offer discounted rates. Standard registration usually closes about a month before the start of each session to allow time for planning and preparation.
  • Important to Note: Popular sessions fill up quickly, so early registration is recommended.

Payment Plans, Refunds, and Cancellation Policies

  • Payment Plans: The camp offers flexible payment plans that allow parents to pay in installments leading up to the start of the session.
  • Refunds: Full refunds are generally available until a specific cutoff date, usually one month before the session begins. After this date, refunds may be partial or non-existent unless cancellation is due to medical reasons.
  • Cancellation Policy: In case of cancellation by the camp (e.g., due to unforeseen circumstances), full refunds are issued.

Scholarships and Financial Aid

  • Scholarships: Asbury Camp Washburn offers a number of scholarships each year to help families with financial constraints. These are typically need-based and may cover part or all of the camp fees.
  • Financial Aid: Additional financial aid options may be available based on family income, the number of children attending, and other factors. The camp encourages families to apply early for financial assistance, as funds are limited.

By providing various financial options and detailed information on costs and registration, Asbury Camp Washburn ensures that families can plan effectively and make informed decisions about their children’s summer camp experience.

Parent and Camper Preparation in Asbury Camp

Packing List To ensure campers have everything they need for a comfortable and enjoyable camp experience, Asbury Camp provides a detailed packing list that typically includes:

  • Clothing: Weather-appropriate clothing including t-shirts, shorts, pants, and sweatshirts; rain gear; swimsuits; a hat; and sturdy footwear like hiking boots and sandals.
  • Bedding and Linens: Sleeping bag or sheets and blankets, pillow, towels for both swimming and showers.
  • Toiletries: Toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, shampoo, sunscreen, and insect repellent.
  • Miscellaneous: Water bottle, flashlight or headlamp, and any necessary personal items like glasses or contact lenses.

Rules and Policies

  • Technology Use: Campers are encouraged to disconnect from electronic devices to fully engage with the camp experience. Cell phones, tablets, and other electronic devices are generally not allowed or their use is restricted to certain times and places.
  • Visitation: Parents are typically allowed to visit on specific days designated by the camp to minimize disruptions to the camp schedule and dynamics. These are often aligned with special events or end-of-camp sessions.
  • Behavioral Expectations: Respect for others, participation in scheduled activities, and adherence to safety guidelines are crucial. The camp has a strict policy against bullying and promotes a supportive community environment.

Tips for First-Time Campers and Parents

  • For Campers:
    • Embrace the experience: Try new activities, make new friends, and be open to learning new skills.
    • Communicate: If you’re feeling homesick or have any concerns, talk to your counselor. They are there to help!
  • For Parents:
    • Stay positive: Your enthusiasm about the camp experience will help alleviate any anxieties your child may have.
    • Pack together: Help your child pack to ensure they have everything they need and discuss what each item will be used for.
    • Communicate: Review the camp’s rules, schedule, and what your child can expect during their time away. Set expectations about communication, such as letters or scheduled calls.

By preparing properly and understanding the camp’s rules and policies, both parents and campers can ensure a smooth, enjoyable camp experience that is both fun and enriching.

Asbury Camp Washburn stands out as a stellar example of how a summer camp can blend fun, education, and personal growth into a cohesive and memorable experience. With its well-rounded programming, dedicated staff, and beautiful setting in North Dakota, the camp offers an ideal environment for children to explore their interests, develop new skills, and make lasting friendships. The camp’s commitment to safety, combined with its inclusive and nurturing atmosphere, ensures that every camper’s experience is both enjoyable and enriching.

From the carefully planned activities and specialty programs to the thoughtful accommodations and robust safety protocols, Asbury Camp Washburn demonstrates a deep understanding of what makes a summer camp experience both successful and impactful. Whether a child is attending for the first time or returning as a seasoned camper, they are sure to find a welcoming community and an opportunity for personal development. For parents looking for a safe, engaging, and enriching place for their children during the summer months, Asbury Camp Washburn presents an excellent choice that promises to be a highlight of their child’s year.

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