Twin Rocks Friends Camp Rockaway Beach OR

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Located in the picturesque region of Oregon’s North Coast, Twin Rocks Friends Camp lies amidst the natural beauty of towering forests and the expansive Pacific coastline. A landmark near the iconic Twin Rocks formations, this camp provides a scenic backdrop that inspires adventure and tranquility.

Established by the Quakers, Twin Rocks Friends Camp has been a place of fellowship, growth, and spiritual reflection for over a century. With a rich history rooted in community and faith, the camp offers a nurturing environment where campers can explore their potential and forge lasting friendships.

The mission of Twin Rocks Friends Camp is deeply influenced by its Quaker heritage, emphasizing peace, integrity, simplicity, and community. It is committed to providing a safe, inclusive, and spiritually enriching experience for all campers, fostering an environment where they can grow both personally and spiritually.

As a camp, Twin Rocks serves boys and girls across a variety of age groups, typically from ages 8 to 18. The camp offers a diverse range of programs that cater to different age levels, ensuring a tailored experience that meets the developmental needs of each camper.

Whether it’s exploring the natural wonders of the Oregon coast, engaging in creative workshops, or participating in group discussions, Twin Rocks Friends Camp promises a transformative experience that impacts campers long after their stay.

Programs Offered by Twin Rocks Friends Camp

Twin Rocks Friends Camp offers a variety of programs that cater to different interests and age groups, each designed to enrich the camp experience and provide memorable learning opportunities.

1. Standard Camp Programs:

  • Duration: These sessions typically run for one week, providing a compact yet immersive experience.
  • Activities: Campers participate in traditional camp activities including campfires, group games, environmental education, and spiritual reflection sessions. These activities are tailored to the age and interests of the campers, focusing on personal growth and community building.

2. Specialty Programs:

  • Arts Camp: A one-week session where campers engage in painting, drawing, music, and drama. This program encourages creative expression and helps campers discover new talents.
  • Sports Camp: Geared towards athletic development and teamwork, this program includes sports like basketball, volleyball, and soccer. It runs for one or two weeks, depending on the focus and age group.
  • Science Camp: A one-week session that immerses campers in hands-on scientific exploration, from marine biology studies on the coast to astronomy nights observing the stars.

3. Leadership Development:

  • Duration: These are typically two-week sessions.
  • Focus: Older campers (usually teens) are trained in leadership skills, conflict resolution, and community service. This program is designed to prepare them for roles as future camp counselors or leaders in their communities.

Typical Daily Schedule:

  • Morning:
    • Wake-up and personal time
    • Breakfast
    • Morning devotional or quiet time
    • Activity session 1 (e.g., arts and crafts, science lab)
  • Afternoon:
    • Lunch and rest period
    • Activity session 2 (sports or environmental exploration)
    • Free time or optional workshops
  • Evening:
    • Dinner
    • Evening program (campfire, talent show, group games)
    • Night reflection and cabin time

This structured schedule ensures that every day at Twin Rocks is full of activities that are both fun and meaningful, providing ample opportunities for learning, exploration, and personal growth.

Accommodations in Twin Rocks Friends Camp

twin rocks friends camp

Sleeping Arrangements: Twin Rocks Friends Camp provides comfortable and rustic accommodations primarily in the form of cabins. These cabins are designed to blend into the natural surroundings, offering a cozy retreat for campers. Each cabin houses multiple campers, usually ranging from 8 to 12 per cabin, facilitating a community environment and encouraging camaraderie among campers. The cabins are grouped by age and gender to ensure comfort and appropriate supervision.

Dining Options:

  • Meal Plans: The camp provides three well-balanced meals per day, served in a communal dining hall where campers gather to eat together, fostering a strong sense of community. The dining experience is integral to camp life, encouraging social interaction and fellowship.
  • Dietary Accommodations: Understanding the importance of catering to various dietary needs, Twin Rocks offers options for vegetarians, vegans, and those with specific food allergies or dietary restrictions. Parents can specify any special dietary requirements when registering their children, ensuring that all campers have healthy and suitable meals throughout their stay.

Bathroom and Shower Facilities: The camp is equipped with modern bathroom and shower facilities that are centrally located for easy access from the cabins. Separate facilities are provided for boys and girls, and they are maintained with high standards of cleanliness and hygiene. Facilities include multiple shower stalls, sinks, and toilets to accommodate the camp community efficiently, ensuring that campers can maintain their personal hygiene comfortably during their stay.

Overall, Twin Rocks Friends Camp aims to provide a homelike and comfortable environment, allowing campers to focus fully on their activities and interactions without the worries of everyday necessities.

Activities in Twin Rocks Friends Camp

Twin Rocks Friends Camp offers a wide array of activities that cater to a range of interests and skill levels, ensuring every camper finds something enjoyable and enriching.

List of Activities Offered:

  • Swimming: Summer camps can enjoy swimming in the supervised pool area, perfect for both leisure and structured swim lessons.
  • Hiking: With trails winding through the nearby forests and along the coast, hiking is a favorite for those who want to explore the natural beauty of the Oregon coast.
  • Crafts: A variety of crafting activities such as pottery, weaving, and woodworking allow campers to express their creativity and bring home handmade souvenirs.
  • Sports: Facilities are available for basketball, volleyball, soccer, and other team sports, promoting physical fitness and teamwork.
  • Environmental Education: Activities like tide pooling, bird watching, and star gazing are part of the camp’s commitment to teaching about the local ecosystem and conservation.
  • Canoeing and Kayaking: Water sports on the nearby lake provide thrilling experiences and a chance to learn paddling skills.
  • Archery: Campers can learn archery under the guidance of experienced instructors, focusing on safety and skill development.

Special Events or Traditions:

  • Campfire Nights: Regular campfire gatherings include storytelling, singing, and s’mores, fostering a sense of community and tradition.
  • End-of-Camp Banquet: A celebratory banquet marks the end of each session, where achievements are recognized, and friendships celebrated.
  • Theme Days: Special theme days, such as Pirate Day or Backwards Day, add a fun and playful element to the camp experience.

Skill Development Opportunities:

  • Leadership Skills: Older campers can participate in leadership programs designed to teach responsibility, decision-making, and group management.
  • Artistic Skills: Through various arts and crafts activities, campers can develop artistic skills and discover new hobbies.
  • Environmental Stewardship: Educational programs aimed at environmental awareness encourage campers to become conscientious stewards of their surroundings.
  • Physical Skills: Sports and adventure activities help improve physical fitness and coordination, while also teaching the value of teamwork and perseverance.

At Twin Rocks Friends Camp, activities are thoughtfully designed to be not only fun but also instrumental in developing valuable life skills and positive attitudes. This dynamic approach ensures that campers enjoy their time fully while gaining skills that extend beyond the camp’s borders.

The staff of Twin Rocks Friends Camp

The team at Twin Rocks Friends Camp is dedicated to providing a safe, nurturing, and enriching environment for all campers. Understanding the importance of skilled and caring staff, the camp takes great care in selecting and training its personnel.

Staff-to-Camper Ratio: Twin Rocks maintains a low staff-to-camper ratio to ensure that each camper receives personalized attention and supervision. Typically, the camp aims for a ratio of one staff member for every six campers. This ratio allows staff to effectively monitor and engage with campers, ensuring safety and fostering a supportive community.

Hiring Process and Staff Qualifications:

  • Recruitment: The camp recruits staff from a variety of sources, including local universities, past camp attendees, and through national camp staff networks. Candidates with a background in education, environmental sciences, arts, or sports are particularly sought after.
  • Qualifications: All prospective staff members must pass a rigorous background check and have references checked. Candidates are expected to have prior experience in child care or camp environments, and those with specific skills relevant to the camp’s programs (like sports coaching, arts, or science education) are highly preferred.
  • Interview Process: The hiring process includes multiple interviews to assess the candidate’s fit with the camp’s values, mission, and the specific needs of the programs they will be involved in.

Training and Certifications:

  • General Training: Before the commencement of the camp, all staff undergo comprehensive training that covers camp operations, emergency procedures, conflict resolution, and effective communication with children.
  • Certifications: Staff members are required to hold current certifications in CPR and First Aid. Those involved in specific activities such as swimming or canoeing also need to have relevant lifeguard or water safety instructor certifications.
  • Ongoing Education: Throughout the camp season, staff participate in ongoing training sessions to refine their skills and update their knowledge on safety and child care best practices.

The commitment to a highly qualified and well-trained staff ensures that Twin Rocks Friends Camp can offer a safe, enjoyable, and educational experience for all campers, making it a trusted choice for parents and a rewarding place for children to spend their summer.

Safety and Health in Twin Rocks Friends Camp

Ensuring the safety and well-being of every camper is paramount at Twin Rocks Friends Camp. The camp implements rigorous safety protocols and maintains on-site health facilities to address any potential health needs or emergencies promptly.

Safety Protocols and Procedures:

  • Risk Assessments: Regular risk assessments are conducted to ensure that all activities and camp facilities meet safety standards. This includes equipment checks, facility inspections, and environmental hazard assessments.
  • Safety Training: All camp staff participates in safety training, which covers emergency response procedures, safety guidelines for activities, and preventive measures to ensure camper safety.
  • Supervision: Constant supervision is provided during all activities, with staff members trained to maintain vigilance and respond quickly to any issues or concerns.
  • Emergency Drills: Campers and staff participate in emergency drills, including fire drills and evacuation procedures, to ensure everyone knows how to act in case of an emergency.

On-Site Health Facilities and Staff:

  • Health Center: The camp maintains an on-site health center, staffed by a licensed nurse or healthcare professional capable of treating minor injuries or illnesses and stabilizing conditions in case of more serious issues.
  • Medical Supplies: The health center is equipped with necessary medical supplies and equipment, including first aid kits, emergency medications, and basic diagnostic tools.
  • Accessibility: The health center is easily accessible from all areas of the camp, ensuring prompt treatment when needed.

Policies on Handling Emergencies:

  • Immediate Response: In the event of an emergency, camp staff are trained to respond immediately, providing first aid and contacting the on-site health professional for further assessment.
  • Emergency Services Coordination: The camp has established protocols for communicating with local emergency services. This includes quick access to ambulance services and local hospitals for serious injuries or health issues.
  • Parental Notification: Parents are notified as soon as possible in the event of any emergency affecting their child. The camp maintains updated contact information for this purpose.
  • Preparedness for Natural Disasters: Given its coastal location, Twin Rocks Friends Camp has specific procedures for natural disasters such as earthquakes or severe storms, including safe shelters and evacuation plans.

Through these comprehensive safety and health measures, Twin Rocks Friends Camp ensures that the camp environment is not only fun and educational but also a safe place for campers to explore and grow.

Cost and Registration in Twin Rocks Friends Camp

Ensuring accessibility and transparency, Twin Rocks Friends Camp offers detailed information on costs, registration, and financial support options, making it easier for families to plan and participate.

Cost of Attendance:

  • The cost of attending Twin Rocks Friends Camp varies depending on the specific program and session length. Typically, a one-week session may range from $400 to $600. This fee includes all camp activities, lodging in cabins, meals, and any special events.
  • Additional costs may be associated with specialty programs or extended sessions.

Registration Process and Deadlines:

  • Early Registration: Families are encouraged to register early as some programs fill up quickly. Early registration often comes with the benefit of discounted rates.
  • Online Registration: Registration can typically be completed online through the camp’s, where families can fill out necessary forms, choose sessions, and submit medical information.
  • Deadlines: Each camp session has a registration deadline, usually several weeks before the start of the session. These deadlines are crucial for staff to finalize accommodation and group assignments.

Payment Plans, Refunds, and Cancellation Policies:

  • Payment Plans: Understanding that the cost might be a burden for some families, Twin Rocks offers structured payment plans allowing families to spread the cost over several months.
  • Refunds and Cancellations: The camp provides a detailed refund policy, which usually includes a full refund up until a certain date, beyond which a cancellation fee may apply. In cases of cancellation due to illness or family emergencies, the camp tries to be flexible and may offer credit for future sessions.
  • Insurance: Families are encouraged to consider camp insurance to cover unexpected cancellations or medical issues.

Scholarships and Financial Aid:

  • Scholarships: Twin Rocks Friends Camp offers scholarships based on need, merit, or both. These are intended to make camp accessible to all children regardless of economic background.
  • Financial Aid: Information and applications for financial aid are available on the camp’s. The process is confidential and designed to assist as many families as possible.
  • Community Support: The camp often partners with local businesses and community organizations to fund spots for campers who might otherwise be unable to afford the experience.

By providing a range of financial options and detailed registration information, Twin Rocks Friends Camp ensures that all families have the opportunity to experience the enriching environment that the camp has to offer.

Parent and Camper Preparation in Twin Rocks Friends Camp

To ensure that both campers and their parents are fully prepared for the camp experience, Twin Rocks Friends Camp provides detailed guidance on packing, camp rules, and helpful tips for first-timers.

Packing List:

  • Clothing: Pack weather-appropriate clothing, including layers for cooler evenings. Include items like t-shirts, shorts, pants, swimsuits, and a sturdy pair of hiking boots or shoes. Don’t forget a rain jacket and a hat for sun protection.
  • Bedding and Towels: Campers should bring a sleeping bag or bedding suitable for a twin bed, along with a pillow, and bath and beach towels.
  • Toiletries: Essential toiletries such as toothpaste, toothbrush, soap, shampoo, and sunscreen. Include insect repellent to manage any pests outdoors.
  • Miscellaneous: A flashlight or headlamp, a water bottle, and any necessary personal items like glasses or contact lenses.
  • Optional Items: Books, stationary for writing home, and a disposable camera or inexpensive digital camera for capturing memories.

Rules and Policies:

  • Technology Use: To maximize engagement and connection with nature and peers, the use of personal electronic devices like smartphones, tablets, or laptops is discouraged. Devices, if brought, are collected and safely stored upon arrival and returned at departure.
  • Visitation: To ensure the safety and structure of the camp program, parents and guardians are typically not allowed to visit during the camp session. Specific days may be designated for family visits depending on the session length and program.
  • Behavioral Expectations: Respect for fellow campers, staff, and the environment is a cornerstone of camp policy. Bullying, violence, or possession of contraband will result in disciplinary action and potentially removal from camp.

Tips for First-Time Campers and Parents:

  • Pre-Camp Orientation: Many camps offer pre-camp orientations or open houses. Attending these can help alleviate any anxiety by familiarizing campers and parents with the camp environment and staff.
  • Communication: Discuss how to stay in touch. While daily communication might not be possible, understanding the camp’s communication policy for emergencies or updates is important.
  • Pack Together: Involve your child in the packing process to ensure they know what they have packed and to instill responsibility for their belongings.
  • Setting Expectations: Discuss what camp will be like focusing on the exciting opportunities and the reality that there might be moments of homesickness or challenges in adjusting to camp life.

By thoroughly preparing for these aspects of camp life, parents can help ensure that their child has a smooth, enjoyable experience at Twin Rocks Friends Camp, fostering both independence and growth.

Twin Rocks Friends Camp stands out as a beacon of adventure, learning, and community on the scenic Oregon coast. With its rich Quaker heritage and a commitment to fostering personal growth, the camp offers a diverse array of programs that cater to various interests and age groups. From swimming and hiking to crafts and leadership training, each activity is designed to nurture the mind, body, and spirit of every camper.

The camp’s detailed attention to safety, health, and comprehensive staff training ensures a secure environment where campers can explore and thrive. The structured registration process, alongside flexible payment plans and scholarship opportunities, makes Twin Rocks accessible to families from all walks of life, embodying the camp’s mission of inclusivity and community building.

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