Camp Twin Hills Richmond VT

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Nestled in the picturesque landscape of Richmond, Vermont, Camp Twin Hills stands as a beacon of adventure and growth for youth in the New England region. Situated amidst rolling hills and close to the serene waters of the Winooski River, this camp offers a backdrop that is both inspiring and tranquil, making it a perfect setting for childhood explorations and learning.

Founded with a commitment to fostering independence and building character, Camp Twin Hills has a storied history of bringing young people together in a supportive and dynamic environment. The camp’s philosophy is rooted in the belief that outdoor activities and team-building experiences are fundamental to developing lifelong skills and confidence. This mission is woven into every activity, counselor interaction, and campfire story.

Camp Twin Hills is an inclusive, facility that welcomes boys and girls across various age groups. Designed to cater to children from ages 6 to 16, the camp offers a range of programs that are tailored to meet the developmental needs of each age group, ensuring that every camper finds both challenge and enjoyment in their summer experience. Whether through scaling a climbing wall, paddling down the river, or crafting a piece of art, Camp Twin Hills is dedicated to creating unforgettable summer memories and skills that last a lifetime.

Programs Offered by Camp Twin Hills

Camp Twin Hills in Richmond, Vermont, offers a diverse array of programs designed to engage campers of all interests and ages. The camp’s programs are carefully structured to ensure each camper enjoys a balanced and enriching experience, fostering both personal growth and communal harmony.

Programs Description

1. Explorer Program (Ages 6-9)

  • Focused on discovery and play, this program introduces younger campers to the joys of outdoor activities and creative arts in a nurturing environment. Activities include nature walks, basic arts and crafts, and water games.

2. Adventurer Program (Ages 10-13)

  • Designed for pre-teens, this program ramps up the adventure with more challenging activities like canoeing, archery, and intermediate-level arts projects. It also introduces basic survival skills and team sports.

3. Leader-in-Training (LIT) Program (Ages 14-16)

  • Tailored for older campers, this leadership development program combines advanced outdoor challenges with skill-building workshops aimed at teamwork, problem-solving, and leadership. Participants often assist in guiding younger campers under supervision.
Length of Sessions
  • One-Week Sessions: Offered for younger campers, focusing on an introduction to camp life and basic activities.
  • Two-Week Sessions: Most popular, providing a deeper dive into skills and more complex projects.
  • Full Summer Option: Available for the LIT program, encompassing progressive training and personal development over several weeks.
Specialty Programs
  • Arts Track: Includes painting, sculpture, and performance arts, allowing campers to explore their creative sides extensively.
  • Sports Track: Focuses on a variety of sports, including soccer, basketball, and swimming, emphasizing skill development and teamwork.
  • Science Track: Engages campers in environmental science, basic astronomy, and experiment-based learning to spark curiosity about the natural world.
Typical Daily Schedule
  • 7:30 AM: Wake up and morning stretch
  • 8:00 AM: Breakfast
  • 9:00 AM: Morning Activity Session 1 (varies by program track)
  • 10:30 AM: Morning Activity Session 2
  • 12:00 PM: Lunch
  • 1:00 PM: Quiet time/rest period
  • 2:00 PM: Afternoon Activity Session 1
  • 3:30 PM: Afternoon Activity Session 2
  • 5:00 PM: Free time
  • 6:00 PM: Dinner
  • 7:00 PM: Evening activities (campfires, talent shows, group games)
  • 9:00 PM: Prep for bed
  • 9:30 PM: Lights out

This schedule ensures that each day at Camp Twin Hills is full of opportunities for fun, learning, and personal growth, all within the beautiful setting of Richmond, Vermont.

Accommodations in Camp Twin Hills

camp twin hills

Sleeping Arrangements Camp Twin Hills provides a classic camp experience with accommodations primarily in well-maintained cabins. Each cabin is designed to house 8-12 campers, fostering a close-knit community atmosphere. The cabins are divided by age group and gender, ensuring that campers feel comfortable and secure in their living spaces. Equipped with bunk beds, storage space for personal items, and electricity, these cabins blend rustic charm with necessary conveniences.

Dining Options The camp dining hall is the heart of Camp Twin Hills, where campers gather to enjoy meals prepared by a dedicated culinary team. The camp offers a variety of meal plans that include three well-balanced meals per day, supplemented by healthy snacks. All meals are designed to be nutritious and appealing to young palates, with a focus on energy-rich foods to support active days.

Dietary Accommodations:

  • Allergies: The kitchen staff is trained to handle common dietary restrictions and allergies, ensuring that alternative options are always available.
  • Dietary Preferences: Vegetarian, vegan, and gluten-free options are provided at every meal to accommodate different dietary needs and preferences.

Bathroom and Shower Facilities Bathroom and shower facilities at Camp Twin Hills are communal, located centrally in each cabin area for easy access. These facilities are separated by gender and are equipped with multiple stalls and showers to prevent crowding. The camp maintains a high standard of cleanliness, with the facilities cleaned and sanitized multiple times a day to ensure hygiene and comfort for all campers.

The facilities at Camp Twin Hills are designed to ensure that every camper’s stay is comfortable, safe, and enjoyable, allowing them to focus fully on their camp experiences and adventures.

Activities in Camp Twin Hills

Camp Twin Hills offers a broad range of activities designed to cater to various interests and skill levels, ensuring that every camper finds something they enjoy while also being challenged to try new things.

List of Activities Offered:

  • Outdoor Adventures: Hiking, canoeing, rock climbing, and archery.
  • Water Sports: Summer camps, swimming, kayaking, and fishing in the nearby river.
  • Creative Arts: Crafts such as pottery, beadwork, painting, and woodworking.
  • Performing Arts: Drama workshops, dance classes, and music sessions.
  • Sports: Soccer, basketball, volleyball, and ultimate frisbee.
  • Nature and Science: Gardening, stargazing nights, and environmental education workshops.

Special Events or Traditions:

  • Opening Campfire: A tradition on the first night of each session, where campers gather for introductions, camp songs, and storytelling.
  • Color Wars: A multi-day event where the entire camp is divided into teams for a series of friendly competitions, culminating in a large relay race and a festive award ceremony.
  • Talent Show: Held at the end of each session, campers can showcase their talents, whether it be in music, dance, magic, or comedy.
  • Themed Dinners: Occasional themed meals where campers and staff dress up and the dining hall is decorated to match the theme, enhancing the communal dining experience.

Skill Development Opportunities:

  • Leadership Training: Through the Leader-in-Training (LIT) program, older campers enhance their leadership skills by planning activities and mentoring younger campers.
  • Environmental Stewardship: Campers engage in activities like recycling projects and wildlife conservation workshops, promoting awareness and responsibility.
  • Personal Growth: Activities are designed to build self-confidence, resilience, and teamwork skills through structured challenges and supportive peer interactions.

Camp Twin Hills is dedicated to providing a dynamic and enriching environment where campers can develop new skills, discover their passions, and build lasting friendships, all within the beautiful and expansive natural surroundings of Richmond, Vermont.

The staff of Camp Twin Hills

Staff-to-Camper Ratio Camp Twin Hills maintains a low staff-to-camper ratio to ensure that each camper receives personalized attention and guidance. The camp adheres to a ratio of approximately one staff member for every six campers. This ratio allows the staff to effectively monitor, engage, and interact with all campers, ensuring a safe, supportive, and enriching camp experience.

Hiring Process and Staff Qualifications The hiring process for staff at Camp Twin Hills is rigorous and thorough to select individuals who are not only qualified but also passionate about working with children in a camp environment.

  • Application and Screening: Candidates must submit a detailed application, complete with references and a background check.
  • Interviews: Prospective staff undergo multiple interviews to assess their experience, skills, and suitability for the camp environment.
  • Qualifications: Staff typically include experienced camp counselors, educators, and college students pursuing degrees in education, psychology, or related fields. Many have previous camping experience or have been campers themselves at similar programs.

Training and Certifications All staff members at Camp Twin Hills are required to have current certifications in CPR and First Aid as a minimum standard for health and safety. Additional training includes:

  • Lifeguard Certification: For those involved in supervising water activities.
  • Wilderness First Aid: Especially for staff leading hiking or any remote outdoor activities.
  • Child Protection Training: Comprehensive training on child safety, including spotting and preventing abuse.
  • Behavioral Management: Techniques to manage a range of children’s behaviors in a positive and effective manner.
  • Emergency Response Drills: Regular drills to prepare for potential emergencies, ranging from health-related issues to natural disasters.

Further, before the commencement of each camp season, all staff participate in an extensive orientation that covers camp policies, emergency procedures, child behavior management, and specific training for their designated activities.

The investment in high-quality staff training and strict adherence to safety certifications ensures that Camp Twin Hills not only offers a fun and educational environment but also a secure and professionally managed one, where parents can feel confident about their children’s care.

Safety and Health in Camp Twin Hills

Camp Twin Hills is deeply committed to the safety and well-being of all campers and staff. To ensure a secure and healthy camp environment, several protocols, facilities, and policies are rigorously implemented and maintained.

Safety Protocols and Procedures

  • Regular Safety Drills: Campers and staff participate in regular safety drills, including fire, weather, and lockdown procedures, to ensure everyone knows how to react in different emergency situations.
  • Activity-Specific Training: Prior to engaging in activities such as swimming, climbing, or archery, campers are given comprehensive safety instructions specific to the activity.
  • Equipment Checks: All equipment used in camp activities is regularly inspected and maintained to meet safety standards.
  • Supervision: Campers are under constant supervision by trained staff, with additional lifeguards and activity-specific experts present during specialized activities.

On-site Health Facilities and Staff

  • Health Center: Camp Twin Hills is equipped with a well-staffed health center that operates 24 hours a day. The center is staffed by licensed healthcare professionals, including nurses and a rotating on-call physician.
  • Medical Supplies and Equipment: The health center is stocked with essential medical supplies and equipment necessary to handle a wide range of medical situations, from minor injuries to more urgent health issues.
  • Health Checks: Upon arrival at camp, all campers undergo a health check to identify any existing conditions or allergies and to ensure fitness for participation in camp activities.

Policies on Handling Emergencies

  • Emergency Action Plans: The camp has detailed emergency action plans for various scenarios, which are regularly reviewed and updated. These plans ensure a coordinated, quick response to any incident.
  • Communication Protocol: In the event of an emergency, there is a clear communication protocol to contact local emergency services and inform parents or guardians. The camp also uses a system to quickly disseminate information to all camp personnel and, if necessary, to all campers.
  • Training in Emergency Response: All staff members receive training in emergency response, including how to use the communication system, initial first aid response, and evacuation procedures.
  • Coordination with Local Authorities: Camp Twin Hills works closely with local emergency services to ensure that they are familiar with the camp layout and its specific needs. This collaboration enhances the effectiveness of any needed emergency response.

By implementing comprehensive safety protocols, maintaining a fully equipped health center, and ensuring that all staff are well-trained in emergency procedures, Camp Twin Hills provides a secure and supportive environment for every camper. This proactive approach to safety and health allows parents to trust that their children are in good hands while they enjoy their camp experience.

Cost and Registration in Camp Twin Hills

Camp Twin Hills strives to provide an enriching camp experience that is accessible and affordable. Here are the details regarding the cost of attendance, the registration process, and the financial options available.

Cost of Attendance

  • The cost of attending Camp Twin Hills varies depending on the length of the session and the specific program chosen. Generally, costs range from:
    • One-Week Session: $500
    • Two-Week Session: $950
    • Full Summer (six weeks): $2,700
  • These fees include all meals, accommodations, activities, equipment use, and program materials. Additional costs may apply for optional extras such as specialized workshops or field trips.

Registration Process and Deadlines

  • Online Registration: Prospective campers can register through online. The registration portal allows families to fill out necessary forms, choose sessions, and submit medical information.
  • Deadlines: Early registration typically opens in January and offers reduced rates. The standard registration deadline is usually by the end of May, but late registrations may be accepted based on availability.
  • Documentation: Upon registration, families must submit health forms, consent documents, and any requested personal information to finalize the camper’s spot.

Payment Plans, Refunds, and Cancellation Policies

  • Payment Plans: Camp Twin Hills offers flexible payment plans that allow families to spread the cost of camp over several months leading up to the session.
  • Refunds: Full refunds are available until a month before the session starts. After this date, refunds are prorated based on the proximity to the camp start date, except in cases of medical issues where a doctor’s note is provided.
  • Cancellation Policy: For cancellations made less than two weeks before the session starts, only 50% of the total fee is refundable, except for medical emergencies.

Scholarships and Financial Aid

  • Scholarships: Camp Twin Hills provides a number of scholarships each year based on financial need. These scholarships can cover up to 50-100% of camp fees.
  • Financial Aid: Additional financial aid may be available for families experiencing temporary financial hardships or for multiple siblings attending camp.
  • Application for Aid: Families seeking financial support must complete a financial aid application and provide the necessary documentation to demonstrate financial need. The application process is confidential and aims to make camp accessible to all interested families.

Camp Twin Hills is committed to providing a transparent and accessible registration and financial process, ensuring that all families can consider the camp experience for their children without undue financial burden.

Parent and Camper Preparation in Camp Twin Hills

To ensure that both parents and campers are well-prepared for the upcoming camp experience, Camp Twin Hills provides detailed guidance on packing, camp rules, and helpful tips for first-time attendees.

Packing List To make the most out of their camp experience, campers should pack appropriately for both activities and daily living:

  • Clothing: Weather-appropriate clothing including T-shirts, shorts, long pants, and sweatshirts. Include a raincoat, swimsuit, and sturdy footwear like sneakers and hiking boots.
  • Bedding: Sleeping bag or sheets and blankets, pillow.
  • Personal Items: Towels, toiletries (toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, shampoo), sunscreen, insect repellent.
  • Gear: Water bottle, flashlight or headlamp, optional items like binoculars or a camera (non-smart).
  • Special Items: Any required medications (must be noted in health forms), musical instruments or specific gear for specialized activities.

Rules and Policies

  • Technology Use: To maximize engagement and interaction, the use of smartphones, tablets, and other electronic devices is restricted at camp. Devices may be used during designated times and areas, if at all.
  • Visitation: Parents are welcome to visit on specific visiting days, which are scheduled mid-session to allow campers to settle in and gain some independence.
  • Behavioral Expectations: Campers are expected to follow camp rules, respect fellow campers and staff, and participate actively in scheduled activities.

Tips for First-Time Campers and Parents

  • For Campers:
    • Engage Fully: Try all activities even if they’re outside of your comfort zone.
    • Stay Positive: Homesickness is normal. Focus on making friends and the fun aspects of camp.
    • Communicate: Talk to your counselors if you’re feeling unhappy or need help.
  • For Parents:
    • Stay Informed: Keep up with the camp’s communication, such as newsletters or updates.
    • Pack Smart: Label all personal items with your child’s name to avoid losses.
    • Support Independence: Prepare your child by discussing what camp will be like focusing on the exciting aspects and how to be self-reliant.

By providing this detailed preparation guide, Camp Twin Hills helps ensure that both first-time and returning campers, along with their parents, are well-prepared for a successful and enjoyable camp experience.

Camp Twin Hills offers a vibrant and enriching experience that combines fun, learning, and personal growth in the beautiful setting of Richmond, Vermont. With a wide range of activities, dedicated staff, and a commitment to safety, the camp ensures that every camper not only enjoys their summer but also takes away valuable life skills and lasting friendships.

The comprehensive programs cater to various interests and age groups, making it an ideal place for young individuals to explore their potential in a supportive environment. From the meticulous preparation guidelines for parents and campers to the thoughtful accommodations and safety protocols, Camp Twin Hills is designed to provide a memorable and impactful summer experience. Whether you’re a first-time camper or a returning enthusiast, Camp Twin Hills promises adventure, learning, and joy in the great outdoors.

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